
Guilty Party: History of Lying - Interrogation

Guilty Party season 2 is underway and coming soon. The YouTube channel has begun to release interrogation videos of the various characters in this season, and Tiffany, starring as Harper Vince, is the most current interview so far. Her character this season is a stark contrast to her character last season, Emma Wilson. Check out her performance in the video below!

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Better Now - Post Malone

Tiffany covers Post Malone's fun and upbeat song titled Better Now for her first cover this month. New music is in the works, but that does not stop Tiffany from delivering a shining and energized performance in the video below. Check it out!

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Yayyyy! Guys I"m so excited to be back with some new music! I thought this song was so catchy and so I decided to make it chill!! It was actually super fun filming this vdeio because we went and hung out at the park and afterwards got to just be a kid and play around on the playground! I forgot how fun it is to simply unplug and be a kid :) -Tiffany

The outfit Tiffany wears in the video is a part of the Merrill twins new clothing line.


Tremblay Magazine Interview

Tiffany was featured in this months issue of Tremblay Magazine. The short article is titled "Tiffany Alvord teases her mini-album," so new music is definitely on the horizon! She talks about the process that goes into making this mini album and some general background about it is revealed as well as two song titles. The full article is available on page 4-5 of the magazine. It can be viewed online at this link.